Carson Peters Berger

Carson Peters Berger

Carson Peters Berger is a 14-year-old underage murder suspect charged with murdering 10-year-old Lily Peters. According to police reports, Carson Her Peters Her Berger lured her 10-year-old girl into a wooded area, where she was sexually assaulted and confused.

Carson-Peters-Berger was arrested and charged with murder. His father, Adam Berger, was found guilty of child pornography. Carson Peters Berger is indicted as an adult.


A 14-year-old boy accused of murdering her relative Lily Peters in northwestern Wisconsin walked into the woods before sexually assaulting and embarrassing her, according to sources in a crime ad published Friday. I took her off the lead by suggesting that I explore.

Carson Peters Berger was charged in adult court on April 27 in the death of his 10-year-old girlfriend, Peters, in first-degree murder, first-degree sexual assault, and first-degree murder against his children under the age of 13. He was charged with first-degree sexual assault. It sparked a massive manhunt in the town of Chippewa Falls.

Judge Benjamin Raine initially sealed the criminal complaint but ruled Thursday to release an edited interpretation in response to media inquiries about Carson Peters Berger.

The crime ad also revealed that Carson-Peters-Berger returned to the scene of the crime and covered her girl’s body with leaves to hide it.


According to the complaint, Lily was reported missing after visiting her aunt’s home in Chippewa Falls on the night of April 24, when she was unable to return. The next morning, Quest rebuilt her body.

According to the documents, Carson-Peters-Berger told agents that he was riding a hoverboard next to Lily on the Chippewa Falls trail and intended to sexually assault and kill her.

According to the complaint, he told Lily to get off the trail and explore her woodlands with him, and also attacked her.

Carson-Peters-Berger is said to have left the scene “horrified”, but he later returned to cover Lily’s body with leaves.


Carson Peters Berger remains in custody on $1 million bail. Although he is considered an adult in the criminal justice system, his attorney may ask Lane to refer the case to juvenile court. His next court appearance is scheduled for June 24th.

Carson Peters Berger’s attorney, Michael Cohen, did not return his voicemail and did not send the broadcast.

Main Reason

The 14-year-old boy Carson Peters Berger charged with raping and murdering Wisconsin resident Lily Peters is the son of a convicted pedophile, reveals. rice field.

Adam Berger, 37, served three terms after he was found to have hidden pornographic images of prepubescent girls on his phone.

Berger’s son Carson-Peters-Berger, 14, was charged with three counts of first-degree murder, first-degree sexual assault, and first-degree sexual assault of a child involved in Lily’s death. He faces the possibility of life imprisonment.

According to Adam Berger’s indictment, 10 pornographic photos were uploaded to his cell phone, showing adolescent girls who were in the position of right-wing extremists. Some of them had been manipulated to include comments like ‘Bore your little girl and your mouth mommy first.’

Berger’s own face was superimposed

In other Filmlands, children were seen half-dressed: one girl in a green feather boa and black heels, the other in a pink tutu skirt.

According to court documents, the distasteful cinematic world was all about children’s genitals. He also kept medical equipment at home, including four cracked pipes.

In court, prosecutors said Carson Peters Berger had planned from the beginning to “force and kill the victim when he left the house with the victim and walked down the road.”

“He punched his victims in the stomach, threw them to the ground, basically strangled them, beat them with sticks, strangled them to death, and then also sexually assaulted them,” said Chippewa District Attorney Wade Newell. added.’

Carson Peters Berger is currently being held at the Northwest Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and is expected to appear in court again next week. can now reveal that Adam Berger is currently living in Claire’s temporary home after he was released from Oshkosh Correctional Facility in April 2021.

He remains under surveillance and is on the sexual offender’s register. He and his attorney never visited his son without supervision and resisted lengthy investigations.

Other letters filed in support of his dismissal to restore unsupervised contact with his son, along with his mother Lori Davis, 45, did not smile and It describes an unhappy child who looked miserable.

Carson Peters Berger’s life was shattered when Berger was sent to prison in May 2018, says his grandmother Mary and girlfriend Katie Weathers.

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