What is pbs sharepoint?

pbs sharepoint

SharePoint is a web-based platform that enables users to create and manage websites and collaborate with others. It provides a central location for managing content, tracking tasks, and sharing information. PBS has adopted SharePoint as our primary platform for website creation and collaboration.

What is pbs Sharepoint?

PBS Sharepoint is a cloud-based collaboration and content management platform developed by PBS. It provides users with a central repository for storing and sharing documents, files, and other content. It also offers features such as version control, workflow management, and security controls. PBS Sharepoint is available as a hosted service or as an on-premises solution.

How can pbs Sharepoint be used?

PBS Sharepoint is a web-based collaboration and document management platform that can be used by organizations of all sizes. PBS Sharepoint provides users with a central location to store, share, and manage files and documents. PBS Sharepoint also offers a variety of features and tools that can be used to collaborate with team members, track projects, and manage workflows.

How to get started with pbs Sharepoint?

PBS SharePoint is a cloud-based content management system that allows users to create and store documents and other files online. Users can access their files from any device with an internet connection. PBS SharePoint is a collaboration tool that can be used by teams to work on projects together.

What are the benefits of using pbs Sharepoint?

PBS SharePoint provides stations with a central repository for storing and sharing station information. It also offers a number of features and tools that stations can use to collaborate on projects and share best practices.

Some of the benefits of using PBS SharePoint include:

  • Improved communication and collaboration between station staff
  • Easy access to station information from any location
  • Ability to share documents, photos, videos, and other files
  • Ability to create custom lists and libraries to organize information
  • Integration with other PBS applications and services
  • Customizable home page and navigation

PBS SharePoint is a valuable tool for stations that want to improve communication and collaboration. It is easy to use and offers a variety of features and tools that can be customized to meet the needs of each station.


PBS Sharepoint is a cloud-based collaboration and content management platform from PBS. It helps organizations to create and manage digital content, and to share and collaborate on that content with colleagues and partners.

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