What is Rosacea? It’s all causes and treatments


If your face looks red or you have frequent acne-like bumps, you may have a skin condition called rosacea. It is a long-term skin condition that primarily affects the face. It can affect anyone, but it is more common in women and people with pale skin. It causes facial flushing or redness and visible blood vessels. It usually affects only the face and eyes, but in some cases, the neck, chest, or other areas are also affected.

Rosacea is a skin condition often treated by dermatologists. There is no permanent cure for this, but treatment can control and relieve signs and symptoms. People sometimes confuse it with acne, eczema, or allergic reactions. So if you notice any signs of rosacea, it’s a good idea to see the best dermatologist in Islamabad.


Although the exact cause of this is still unknown, there are several factors that may contribute to the development of rosacea.

  • Abnormalities of facial blood vessels
  • Reactions to microscopic ticks commonly found on the face
  • Genetics, it often occurs in families
  • Bacteria called H. pylori, known to increase the amount of gastrin, can also cause skin flushing


There are several factors that make it worse. Be aware of these factors.

  • hit the sun
  • Emphasis
  • strenuous exercise
  • extremely hot or cold weather
  • hot drink
  • alcohol and caffeine
  • Spicy food
  • drugs that widen blood vessels, including some blood pressure drugs
  • some cosmetic, skin, or hair care products


These are the symptoms:

flushing or flushing: Rosacea can cause a persistent flush or blush on the central part of the face.

Spiderweb: Small blood vessels in the nose and cheeks break off and become visible, commonly known as spider veins.

swollen bump: Many people who suffer from rosacea develop acne on their faces. These pimples resemble pimples and may contain pus.

burning sensation: The affected area of ​​the face may be hot and tender. eye problems

People with this symptom also suffer from dry, inflamed, and swollen eyes and eyelids. This is called ocular rosacea. In some people, eye symptoms precede skin symptoms.


There is no specific test to diagnose rosacea. A dermatologist will examine your skin based on your history of symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis. They can do tests to rule out conditions such as psoriasis and lupus.

Your dermatologist may refer you to an ophthalmologist if your rosacea symptoms involve your eyes.


There is no cure, but there are treatments that can help manage the redness, bumps, and other symptoms caused by rosacea. Here are ways to treat rosacea in people with different variations of the condition.


Dermatologists prescribe a number of oral and topical medications to treat rosacea. These depend on symptoms that vary from patient to patient.

  • A topical medication that helps reduce hot flashes and control mild rosacea acne.
  • Oral acne treatment for severe rosacea that does not respond to other treatments.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy can make enlarged blood vessels less noticeable. The full effect of treatment may not be felt for several weeks. Periodic repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the improved appearance of the skin.

Lifestyle changes and home remedies

These self-care practices can help control the signs and symptoms of rosacea and prevent flare-ups.

  • Identify and avoid triggers. Be aware of what triggers flare-ups and avoid those triggers.
  • Protect your face. Before going out, after applying topical medicines to your face, and before applying cosmetics, apply a generous amount of sunscreen. Take measures to protect your skin from extreme heat and cold.
  • Gently care for your skin. Avoid products containing skin irritants such as alcohol, camphor, urea, and menthol.
  • Reduces visible redness with makeup. A daily gentle facial massage can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Alternative medicine

Many other alternative remedies are popular for treating rosacea, such as emu oil, baywood oil, oregano oil, etc. However, there is no conclusive evidence to support the idea that any of these substances are effective.

Before trying any particular alternative therapy, consult a dermatologist about its use.

Psychological aspect

Having rosacea can be painful. You may be embarrassed or worried about your appearance, and you may be irritated or upset by other people’s reactions. Consider talking to a counselor about these feelings.

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